Lawn Signs

Choose a sign they’ll see again, and again, and again


Signage provides frequency and repetition like no other form of advertising.

Did you know:
71% of travellers often look at the messages on roadside signs, and more than one-third report looking at an outdoor ad each time they pass one.


A good sign can be your best salesperson. It’s always working, day and night, ready to tell your customer what they need to hear. It can spread your message to thousands — 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Product image
People now spend more time driving than ever before. They tend to follow the same routes, providing the ad repetition needed to fuel a successful marketing plan. Getting your message in front of them during that commute is key.

One study reported that 26% of people noted a phone number written on a billboard, while 28% remembered a website address. A well-designed lawn sign can catch people’s attention, generate leads and drive traffic.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, we sometimes experience all four seasons in a single day. Thankfully, the seasons don’t matter. Our custom-printed sign rentals remain effective all year round. They deliver your message with continuity and frequency, rain or shine, offering a level of coverage that’s unequaled by other forms of advertising — at a price that’s simply unbeatable.

Our signs

Our custom printed portable sign rentals are available in two sizes: 5ft x 10ft, or 5ft x 4ft, each offering more value per square foot than our competitors.

  • High resolution, full colour, double-sided prints
  • Highest quality sign on the market
  • Weather resistant and durable
  • Supported by steel, with a reusable inner core
  • Mobile, can be moved freely and easily
  • Proven to work in the local market

Our promise

When a business opportunity strikes, you need a responsive team capable of designing, producing and installing signage in a matter of days. Our full-service, in-house team can have your sign ready and installed in as little as 48 hours after you approve the design.

  • Fastest turnaround in the market.
  • Installed within days of design approval
  • Can be updated in as little as two days
  • Graphic design & permit administration included
  • Free consultation & quote

Our team

We handle all aspects of the production and installation. From transporting and installing the equipment, to performing safety assessments and obtaining city permits – we take care of it all so you can focus on what’s important.

  • Locally owned and operated
  • Unbeatable customer service
  • Graphic design by experienced designers
  • Set up by skilled, reliable installation team

Advertising sign rentals are a strong stand-alone advertising tool, and should be an essential component of your overall marketing strategy.

At Sign Guru we take great pride in working with you to create signage that builds your brand and boosts your sales. Serving Newfoundland from St. John’s to Grand Falls-Windsor and every community in between, our signs can be found all over the island. If you’re ready to see what sign rental can do for your business, contact Darrell, the Sign Guru, for your free no-obligation quote today.

** Arbitron National In-Car Study

Contact Darrell, the Sign Guru, for a quote today.